Error PS107 is a payroll update error arising out of installation and downloading issues in payroll updates. Well, various reasons for occurrence of Error PS107 can be:
- Restriction form the third gathering security program in association of QuickBooks with the parent company intuits.
- Some of the QuickBooks files might be damaged.
- There might be a lag in the Intuit server.
- Old finance programming form is being used.
Ways to fix QB desktop Error PS107: Method 1:
- Reach the task manager<
- Open application of QuickBooks, QB or intuit.
- Click End task present at the base of the Task manager windows.
Method 2:
- In QuickBooks<< Open Help Menu<< Hit on Update.
- Reach to ‘options’<< Choose “Mark all’.
- Click on Update Now<< reset updates.
- Close QuickBooks after getting the updates.
Method 3:
- Insert CD of payroll updates<< Open payroll update window.
- To install it, follow the on screen steps.
- In the install tab, select CD drive.
- Choose update.dat or upadte3.dat in payroll update disk.
I hope the PS107 error is now resolved! If you are still facing any issue, you can reach out to QBSsolved +1(888) 910 619.